First and foremost, your business is going to be recognized in the wellness “light.”  As you already know, wellness is a growing concept.  As evident based on the news and the bestseller lists, people are looking to find holistic, natural approaches to solving their health issues.  You can use involvement with this event to demonstrate your desire to be in that “light” to your customers.

:  Your logo will be featured on the back of our event t-shirt!  The shirt is designed by a local Dallas artist, Rob Polivka.  Each participant will receive one upon registration.

PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL:  Your logo will be included on all of the event promotional material.  Brochures and flyers are currently being designed to go into distribution beginning July 1st.

MILE MARKERS:  Your name will be included on an A-Frame sign along the five mile trail that the participants will view the day of the event.  The mile markers will be used at intervals along the trail to designate distance, refreshments and first aid stations.

:  Your banner will be displayed at the park’s pavilion that lines the southeast corner of the trail.  The pavilion is adjacent to the location of the Wellness Fair that will be held following the walk.

WEBSITE:  Your logo will be a highlight on our webpage.  The webpage will be used as an educational tool for those learning about the walk as well as Kentuckiana.  The webpage will also be a very popular site for participants because our registration forms will be downloaded from there.

Last, but not least……

This opportunity demands a special place!  The lucky individual that earns the privilege of cutting the ribbon for the 1st Annual Walk for Wellness will set the pace.  The picture that represents the mark of the beginning of an event that is going to make waves in the wellness industry is going to speak volumes as the future of the event unfolds!  We have decided to reserve this special place in the history of the Walk for Wellness for the generous hands of the individual that offers the highest donation.  The donations will be kept private other than sponsorship levels.  Find a place in your heart for the children under care at Kentuckiana Children’s Center, and give to this wonderful cause!

Please review the sponsorship spreadsheet to determine how the Walk for Wellness best fits you and your business!

        If you have been approved to participate in the Walk for Wellness 2008 Fair, please
                 CLICK HERE to view the guidelines for your booth set-up and operation.