Directions to Campion Trail

Campion Trail is closest to the intersection of Northwest Hwy and Riverside Drive in Irving, TX. 

From Downtown Dallas, TX:
Take IH 35E North.  Exit Northwest Hwy.  Turn Left onto Northwest Hwy to proceed West.  Travel approximately 2.5 miles.  Turn Right on Riverside Dr.  Pavilion and event will be approximately 0.5 miles on the Right. 

From Fort Worth, TX:
Take 183E.  Exit Loop 12N.  Proceed North to Northwest Hwy.  Exit Northwest Hwy.  Turn Left onto Northwest Hwy to proceed West.  Travel approximately 2.5 miles.  Turn Right on Riverside Dr.  Pavilion and event will be approximately 0.5 miles on the Right.

From Denton, TX:
Take IH 35E South.  Merge Right onto Loop 12 South.  Exit Northwest Hwy.  Turn Right onto Northwest Hwy to proceed West.  Travel approximately 2.5 miles.  Turn Right on Riverside Dr.  Pavilion and event will be approximately 0.5 miles on the Right.

From Tyler, TX:
Take I-20W to 80W.  Proceed West on 80W.  Exit 635W.  Exit IH 35E South. Merge Right onto Loop 12 South.  Exit Northwest Hwy.  Turn Right onto Northwest Hwy to proceed West.  Travel approximately 2.5 miles.  Turn Right on Riverside Dr.  Pavilion and event will be approximately 0.5 miles on the Right.

                                                 To download a printable map of the park, please click here.