The Vision
Healing all children...hope for the whole child.

The Mission

Improve the lives of children by providing a foundation for healing through integrative chiropractic care.

Kentuckiana Children’s Center began in 1957 as a way to provide care to those children that had fallen through the cracks of conventional programs and those who had no way of receiving care due to financial difficulties.  They offer chiropractic adjustments, nutritional counseling, sensory processing, craniosacral therapy, as well as occupational, behavioral, art and play therapy. In doing so, Kentuckiana takes healing to a whole new level. They heal the whole child and not just a select part or symptom.

Chiropractic is an art, philosophy and science that helps the body express the innate ability to heal and repair itself through natural methods. It not only embodies the mechanical adjustment of restoring function to the body’s nervous system, the master system, but it also takes into account physical, chemical and emotional factors in order to address the needs of the whole body.  Chiropractic focuses on nerve interference, which places stress on the body’s normal processes of survival. By removing nerve interference, it allows the body to function at its best. This is why chiropractic is an essential component in eliminating the diseases that plague today’s society.

In embracing chiropractic as well as other therapeutic alternatives, Kentuckiana is able to get results from children who have lost hope and direction. Often times families seek Kentuckiana as a “last resort.” Children with conditions such as Allergies, Asthma, Headaches, ADHD, Scoliosis, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down’s Syndrome and other congenital disorders have all witnessed results due to an intent focus on each child’s individual needs.  It is evident through research and testimonies that they have a unique approach to offering hope and answers to those who have lost it all. 

It is our pleasure to team up with the staff at Kentuckiana in an effort to provide funding for the children that have only asked for a chance.  You can find out more about this incredible organization and the children that benefit from their care at